Melbourne Wholesalers Update December 2017

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Dear valued customer
It is with regret that Monichino Wines wishes to announce that we will be ceasing to produce and supply our Tramontino range in 2018.
Due to the Australian Governments tightening of eligibility criteria for the producer rebate and the reduction in the wine equalisation tax (WET) rebate cap, Monichino wines have made the decision to cease the production of our low-end range.
Due to this change in direction for our business it is with great sadness that we have been forced to say goodbye to our valued Melbourne sales rep Sasha Brkic.  Sasha has been an invaluable asset to our family business for more than four years and it is with reluctance that we sadly say goodbye.
Monichino wines will continue to produce and distribute our quality heritage and single vineyard range, with all sales distributed direct from the winery. For all sales enquiries please contact Monichino Wines direct on 03 58646452 or
From January 2018 we will sell the remaining stock of Tramontino range products until stock runs out. For all sales enquiries please contact Terry, Anna or the sales team at Monichino Wines.
Yours sincerely
Terry, Anna and Phil
Monichino Wines
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